Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Commentary: Same-sex marriage laws promote equality, prosperity

I chose to critique a commentary from the Houston Chronicle which discusses same-sex marriage laws in the U.S.  The article was written by five mayors from cities across America.  The mayors are chairs of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry, a broad-based and nonpartisan group of individuals who have managed to come together to end marriage discrimination of gay and lesbian couples.

This is a topic I have engaged in many times with complete strangers, peers and family.  So many issues arise from these discussions, some relevant some not.  I often get asked if I am proud to be an American and I have to say “sometimes”.  How can I be proud if people are being discriminated against everyday?  The article states that we are making progress.  Washington, New Jersey and Maryland passed marriages bills in the last few weeks making it seven states that now recognize gay marriages.  The only issue is that the federal government does not. 

I am pleased to read that Mayors for the Freedom to Marry, is making headway, gaining momentum in their fight against discrimination towards same-sex marriages. I agree that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which denies legally married same-sex couples the same rights and benefits as opposite-sex couples is unconstitutional.  Gays and lesbians are people who work hard and pay their taxes.   People will argue that it is a choice but I disagree.  My beautiful daughter came to me two years ago saying she “liked” someone who happened to be female.  “It just happened”, the “butterflies in my tummy, just like I felt when I first met him.” My husband, my son and I accepted her and her girlfriend without hesitation!  They will be celebrating two years together this May.  She is a bright, beautiful and smart young woman who should not be denied the right as her father and I have as a couple.  Same-sex marriages are denied social security, health insurance, hospital visitation, retirement, pensions, etc.  Same-sex couples contribute to society just as opposite-sex couples do.  She hopes to have children some day and I welcome the day she makes me a grandparent. People argue that children do best when raised by a mother and father, that same-sex marriage is not in the best interest of the child.  I believe that all married couples can raise successful, respectful children, which was clearly proven by a 19 year old college student named Zach Wahl.